Java 模拟58登录(二) 实现
- 发送Get请求(getcode?), 请求发送手机验证码, 同时获得一个tokencode
- 发送Get请求(login?), 输入手机号,动态码以及其他相关参数来发送登录请求
- 登录成功
除了上述所说的步骤外,还有很多需要处理的底层实现细节,比如解析Cookie, 构造必须的参数
- FINGERPRINT 和FINGERPRINT2是网页登录的时候直接抓取的,我试过随机修改后面几个数字依旧可以登录
- JQUERYSTR 只是jquery调用时候自动生成的参数,为了不出现什么问题我也加上了
- initTime initTime表示页面加载时间,后面加密时候需要用到的时间戳这个参数,这里所有需要的时间戳都是(需要的时间戳时刻b-initTime+ const time 1411093327735L)
- TOKENCODE 和 TOKEN 是调用的时候获取的参数
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| private String FRONTEND_URL = ""; private String TOKENCODE_URL = ""; private String LOGIN_URL = ""; private String FINGERPRINT = "421A592E9D98DC7C0711A36033A582E84360ED23C621CCE3_011"; private String FIGNERPRINT2 = "zh-CN|24|1|4|1600_900|1600_860|-480|1|1|1|undefined|undefined|" + "unknown|Win64|unspecified|1|false|false|false|true|false|" + "0_true_true|d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427F|b01de87fcefd32c68d348cd9d18b62d9"; private String JQUERYSTR = "jQuery183025066063002634587_" + getNow(); private long initTime = (new Date()).getTime(); private String TOKENCODE = ""; private String TOKEN = "";
这里实际写的时候遇到了坑点, 最初底层实现Cookie是参考stackoverflow中的那种实现
但是如果Cookie value中含有”=”,解析就是失败,刚好58的session Cookie 中含有这个!!!我也是失败很多次才知道
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| protected CookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();
public void setCookieStore(HttpResponse httpResponse) {
Header[] headers = httpResponse.getHeaders("Set-Cookie"); if (headers != null && headers.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { String setCookie = headers[i].getValue(); try { BasicClientCookie cookie = this.parseRawCookie(setCookie); if (!cookie.isExpired(new Date())) { this.cookieStore.addCookie(cookie); } } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } } } this.cookieStore.clearExpired(new Date()); }
//使用自带的解析,然后手动转换成BasicClientCookie //这里会有些默认行为需要注意 protected BasicClientCookie parseRawCookie(String rawCookie) throws Exception { List<HttpCookie> cookies = HttpCookie.parse(rawCookie); if (cookies.size() < 1) return null; HttpCookie httpCookie = cookies.get(0); BasicClientCookie cookie = new BasicClientCookie(httpCookie.getName(), httpCookie.getValue()); if (httpCookie.getMaxAge() >= 0) { Date expiryDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + httpCookie.getMaxAge() * 1000); cookie.setExpiryDate(expiryDate); } if (httpCookie.getDomain() != null) cookie.setDomain(httpCookie.getDomain()); if (httpCookie.getPath() != null) cookie.setPath(httpCookie.getPath()); if (httpCookie.getComment() != null) cookie.setComment(httpCookie.getComment()); cookie.setSecure(httpCookie.getSecure()); return cookie; }
解析Response String
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| protected String getResponseParameter(String response, String parameterName) { String result = response.replaceAll(",|\"|:", " "); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(result, " "); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() && !tokenizer.nextToken().equals(parameterName)) { } String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); return token; }
因为后面很多都用到get 请求,所以这里封装一下
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| public String doGet(String url, String host) throws Exception { CloseableHttpClient client = this.createHttpClient(); HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url); get.addHeader("Connection", "keep-alive"); get.addHeader("accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"); get.addHeader("accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"); get.addHeader("accept-language", "en-US,en;q=0.9"); get.addHeader("upgrade-insecure-requests", "1"); get.addHeader("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36"); get.addHeader("Host", host); CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(get); if (response == null) { throw new Exception("network error, unable to connect to 51job"); } setCookieStore(response); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); InputStream stream = entity.getContent(); String result = IOUtils.toString(stream, "utf-8");
IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); EntityUtils.consumeQuietly(entity); HttpClientUtils.closeQuietly(client); return result; }
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| protected String encryptStr(String str) { Long timeSpan = 1411093327735L; Long randomLong = timeSpan + (new Date()).getTime() - initTime; String timeSign = String.valueOf(randomLong); String passwd = timeSign + str; String encryptPwd = QuanzhouJSUtil.getEncryptString(passwd); return encryptPwd; }
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| public void getPhoneCode(String phoneNumber) throws Exception {
// 获得token,然后用token作为参数获取tokenCode, 然后发送验证码登录时候需要用到tokenCode和token String result = doGet(FRONTEND_URL + getJQueryCallBackStr(), ""); TOKEN = getResponseParameter(result, "token");
// 获取token code String enPhone = encryptStr(phoneNumber); String tokenCodeURL = TOKENCODE_URL + "mobile=" + enPhone + "&validcode=&source=pc-login&vcodekey=&token=" + TOKEN + "&voicetype=0&codetype=0&fingerprint=" + FINGERPRINT + "&" + getJQueryCallBackStr() + "&path=" + ""; result = doGet(tokenCodeURL, ""); TOKENCODE = getResponseParameter(result, "tokencode");
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| public void getPhoneCode(String phoneNumber) throws Exception {
// 获得token,然后用token作为参数获取tokenCode, 然后发送验证码登录时候需要用到tokenCode和token String result = doGet(FRONTEND_URL + getJQueryCallBackStr(), ""); TOKEN = getResponseParameter(result, "token");
// 获取token code String enPhone = encryptStr(phoneNumber); String tokenCodeURL = TOKENCODE_URL + "mobile=" + enPhone + "&validcode=&source=pc-login&vcodekey=&token=" + TOKEN + "&voicetype=0&codetype=0&fingerprint=" + FINGERPRINT + "&" + getJQueryCallBackStr() + "&path=" + ""; result = doGet(tokenCodeURL, ""); TOKENCODE = getResponseParameter(result, "tokencode");
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| @Test public void testLogin58(){ preLogin(); String phoneNum = ""; String mobileCode = ""; System.out.println("请输入你的手机号码:"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; phoneNum = scanner.nextLine(); try { getPhoneCode(phoneNum); System.out.println("请输入你的手机验证码:"); mobileCode = scanner.nextLine(); loginJob58(phoneNum, mobileCode); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //add some code to do scanner.close(); }